My goals for students are that they absorb the philosophies, theories, and recent advances of geology and biology in ways that are challenging, interesting, and encourage scientific research. I want students to become skillful at observing, describing, and evaluating material or data related to the course regardless of their backgrounds, academic goals, or learning styles.
Graduate Courses
- Fall, 2020: “Analytical methods and scripting in R” (University of Cincinnati)
- Spring, 2020: “Taphonomy” (University of Cincinnati)
- Fall, 2019: “Analytical methods and scripting in R” (University of Cincinnati)
- Spring, 2015: “Analytical methods and scripting in R” (University of Cincinnati)
- Spring, 2014: “Introduction to R” (University of Cincinnati)
- Fall, 2013: “The Wild World of Taphonomy (Paleobiology Seminar)” (University of Cincinnati, with A. Miller & Y. Yanes)
- March, 2013: “R Analysis & Modeling Shortcourse, II” (Smithsonian Institution and George Washington University)
- June 2012: “R Analysis & Modeling Shortcourse” (Smithsonian Institution and George Washington University)
Undergraduate Courses
- Spring 2022: “Dinosaurs Dragons and Dogma” (University of Cincinnati)
- Spring, 2021: “The age of dinosaurs” (University of Cincinnati)
- Fall, 2020: “The age of dinosaurs” (University of Cincinnati)
- Fall, 2019: “The age of dinosaurs” (University of Cincinnati)
- Fall, 2018: “The age of dinosaurs” (University of Cincinnati)
- Fall, 2018: “Biodiversity” (University of Cincinnati)
- Fall, 2017: “The age of dinosaurs” (University of Cincinnati)
- Spring, 2016: “Biodiversity” (University of Cincinnati)
- Spring, 2016: “The age of dinosaurs” (University of Cincinnati)
- Spring, 2011: “The fossil record of species’ originations, interactions, and extinctions”
- (Wright State University)
- Spring, 2010: “Ecosystems through Time” (Wright State University)
- Summer, 2003: “Stones & Bones” (University of Chicago, co-Instructor with Dr. P. Sereno)
Teaching Assistantships
- Winter, 2008: “Environmental Ecology” – University of Chicago, instructor: Dr. T. Price
- Fall, 2007: “Biodiversity” – University of Chicago, instructor: Dr. M. LaBarbera
- Winter, 2006: “Evolution and the Scientific Method” – Northwestern University, instructor: Dr. B. Sageman
- Fall, 2006: “Analytical Paleobiology” – University of Chicago, instructor: Dr. M. Foote
- Spring, 1999: “Paleontology” – Macalester College, instructor: Dr. R. Rogers
- Winter, 1999: “Biology and Geology of the Hawaiian Islands” – Macalester College, instructors: Dr. J. Craddock, Dr. K. Wirth
- Fall, 1998: “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy” – Macalester College, instructor: Dr. R. Rogers
- 1998 – 2000: Intro. geology classes, evening lab supervisor – Macalester College
Other Teaching & Outreach
- Camp Goonzhii, Arctic Village, AK; Grades K-12 (three days of instruction). Supported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Science Foundation
- Interviewed by the Smithsonian magazine (with Ph.D student Abby Kelly) about bison evolution and Pleistocene paleoecology: link here.
- 2015: Scientist in-residence for PaleoX field discovery program for teachers in MT
- 2015: Filmed (on location; Fairbanks, AK) as part of “Boneyard Alaska” documentary on a fossiliferous permafrost deposits
- 2013: Filmed (on location; Ellesmere Island) as part of the Tiktaalik research team (PBS’s “Your Inner Fish”)
- 2012: Interview with Thane Maynard (NPR, Cincinnati Edition)
- 2011: Interview on CBC TV & Radio about bone survey results presented at the
- 2011: Arctic Ungulate Conference (Yellowknife, Canada)
- 2010-2011: St. Louis Science Museum Resident Scientist for Museum Tours (Field Museum, Chicago; American Museum of Natural History, New York)
- 2010: Ohio teacher continuing education program: “The ecology of bones”
- 2003-2009: Education Consultant & Teacher, “Project Exploration” (Chicago-based non-profit for science education of minorities and girls)
- Fall, 2007: High school biology tutor
- Jan.-April, 2003: Earth Science Instructor, 8th grade, The Northwest School (Seattle, WA)
Commentary/Coverage of Miller’s Outreach and/or Project Exploration
- Fenichel, M and H. A. Schweingruber. 2010. Surrounded by Science: Learning science in informal environments. National Resource Council, National Academic Press. 240pp.
- Kuczka, S. March 5, 2009. Digging into dinosaurs. Chicago Tribune.